Sunday, November 29, 2020

MIT KPMG Hui Term 4

So what now?

What will the hui look like for the launch of my site?

It will have a focus on home learning during any future lockdowns, the ENGAGE site will fit beautifully within this.
  • Invite one of my student's whanau to share their lockdown experiences and how they accessed learning and supported their child. They can share experiences in Tongan as this would be far more powerful coming from teachers. Show the data of students who participated in home learning and celebrate success. 
  • Physically share Engage games so parents can see their children playing the game.
  • Share Engage at home within the context of other aspects of home learning e.g. Google Hangouts, class site navigation, a checklist for parents.
  • Share food and have this as an informal meeting of teachers, chance for teachers and whānau to develop relationships.
  • Advertise at prize-giving hui date and time
Include ENGAGE Site on Transition to school site (Thanks for the idea Kiriwai!) as well on all Junior class sites.

Reflection Of This Years Journey; Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

I woulda if I'd known about covid...have the site up and going for the first lockdown with student and whanau at the forefront of my mind. I would have started earlier. Now I am finding that it is too late in the year and not the right time. For me now I feel it is best to be strategic in the timing of the launch to get maximum whānau uptake/ buy-in.

I coulda but circumstances implementation of ENGAGE across the whole team but capacity to take on ENGAGE wasn't there for some teachers in my team. Also creating videos during lockdown didn't happen even though I had put it out there as a project for students.

I shoulda taken action sooner instead of being stuck in the thinking/planning stage.

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