Sunday, September 6, 2020

KPMG Hui Term 3

Finally, we meet again face to face. Today's MIT hui at KPMG was the only time since February that we have actually been able to get together. It goes to show how February's hui cemented the relationships between the team that we would carry throughout the year. It was fantastic having the setting of KPMG, away from school (and home), to allow for fresh thinking to take place. 

Today's hui gave an opportunity for us to share our almost finished digital tools and gain feedback from our peers. 

As is always the way, feedback points out all those things you don't see yourself, the things you are blinded to when you are looking at it from one perspective. Even the simplest things are often something that doesn't even cross your mind until pointed out to you.

This is the website so far:

Draft ENGAGE Site

Feedback From The MIT Team

The feedback I received focused on writing the content of the site so that whānau can understand by avoiding teacher talk and to hook whānau in to explore the site by showing them how it meets a need.

Next steps to think about:

  • Think about 'what is the need that this website meets?' and pitch meeting this on the home page to draw whānau in. This is the selling point. Will whānau be hooked into looking further into the site? The answer to this at the moment is no. Therefore I need to think of it from a marketing point of view. Could the header be a staged photo of parents with speech bubbles saying something like "It doesn't have to be like this!" "Have you noticed your child..." "If only my child could.."

  • Write a description under How To Play videos so that whānau can get a summary of how to play the game without having to watch the videos.

  • Change the header Whānau Voice to a parent-friendly header, what I have is teacher talk, not parent talk. Change it to "What is our whānau saying?" 

  • Include comments/ testimonials from whānau e.g. quotes from whānau saying how the children have benefitted from playing the games.

  • Give to whānau to trial and to gain feedback 

  • Rewrite parent questionnaire to everyday language or translate into Te Reo Māori, Samoan or Tongan e.g. which of these skills are important to learn?

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